Welcome to JKTOWERS
Note: WEBSTORE IS CLOSED AS JKTOWERS IS BEING SOLD ALL products have been marked "Out of Stock" so the webstore functionality can still be demonstrated.
Email: jktowers@hotmail.co.uk
Check your Junk folder if you've not heard back from me. You can also try contacting me through www.talbotoc.com, user name JKTOWERS but only after trying the direct email route please. ( jktowers@hotmail.co.uk )
I do NOT dismantle vehicles. (I ONLY sell what is listed).
Email: jktowers@hotmail.co.uk
Check your Junk folder if you've not heard back from me. You can also try contacting me through www.talbotoc.com, user name JKTOWERS but only after trying the direct email route please. ( jktowers@hotmail.co.uk )
I do NOT dismantle vehicles. (I ONLY sell what is listed).
For advice and information check www.talbotoc.com forum
I CANNOT give general advice on issues unrelated to the items I sell due to time constraints and physical injuries which make typing painful.
Mail-Order Payment options:
Bank Transfer: Mr S Johnston, Lloyds, Personal acct, Sort Code: 30-13-35 , Account No: 52765560
or Paypal to jktowers@hotmail.co.uk
I CANNOT give general advice on issues unrelated to the items I sell due to time constraints and physical injuries which make typing painful.
Mail-Order Payment options:
Bank Transfer: Mr S Johnston, Lloyds, Personal acct, Sort Code: 30-13-35 , Account No: 52765560
or Paypal to jktowers@hotmail.co.uk
Fitting Service is Currently Suspended due to Heath Issues
(supply and fit prices below)
Email jktowers@hotmail.co.uk for full details:
RHD all models typically £350 for Collar, Relay unit, 3 x Arms, and Base of Gearlever mod, and new balls on control sleeve.
LHD up to 91 manufacture - Collar only £200
All Models: Transmission (gearbox and Diff) oil change £40
(Please note I DO NOT FIT A-CLASS VANS due medical issues)
Email jktowers@hotmail.co.uk for full details:
RHD all models typically £350 for Collar, Relay unit, 3 x Arms, and Base of Gearlever mod, and new balls on control sleeve.
LHD up to 91 manufacture - Collar only £200
All Models: Transmission (gearbox and Diff) oil change £40
(Please note I DO NOT FIT A-CLASS VANS due medical issues)
UK ONLY sales - I no longer post items overseas due to customs issues.