About + Videos
Welcome to JKTowers Website and On-line shop.
For Youtube videos see: https://www.youtube.com/user/JKTowers1/featured
The Original JKTOWERS advice pages circa 2004 (withdrawn in August 2016):
This grew from the original advice pages of the JKTowers.fsnet.co.uk/motorhome set up in 2004. Those pages are no longer available as EE removed the webspace on which they were hosted in 2016
However some pages have been recreated in the LINKS section of this site.
*** For general advice on these vans please use www.talbotoc.com . ***
Phone Calls:
I do NOT have a business phone number for personal reasons, nor I do not answer calls from people I don't know. This is a part-time business and I do not have time to provide technical assistance unrealted to items I sell. If you wish to enquire about items I do sell please EMAIL or order via the website.
*** EMAIL Address jktowers@hotmail.co.uk ***
The "JKTowers" website was initially set up in March 2004 to provide technical assistance to owners of the Talbot Express and associated vehicles (i.e. Citroen C25, Peugeot J5 and Fiat ducato up to march 94).
The commercial operation was launched some 6 years later in November 2010 in response to user demand and operated mostly via auction sites (ebay and others at that time) plus some simple web-based pages.
The eCommerce website which you are currently viewing was created in May 2012 in response to customer demand for a more user-friendly purchasing interface.
A fitting service is available for ALL gear linkage components and some other items. I also undertake a few relatively minor tasks such as gearbox and engine oil changes. Please note that I do NOT undertake full services, nor do I undertake heavy mechanical work such as clutch changes etc.
This is a second job and one which I wish to focus on the specialism of engineering gear linkage upgrades and a selection of Mail-order items. If you are interested in having gear linkage work done by me please see the "Fittings" page (link on the left) for further details and use the contact button (above right) to make a booking.
Fitting Service and Mail-Order Delivery:
Anyone who knows me from the www.TalbotOC.com forum or from my ebay trading account "JKTowers" will know that I have a reputation for very effective gear linkage work and an excellent reputation for prompt and efficient service both mail order and fitting.
So.... Purchase with confidence. :-)
Highworth, Nr Swindon in Wiltshire, SN6 7HX
(visitors by prior arrangement only please)
Thank you,
Mr Stephen (Steve) Johnston